Today was the last day Calembour opens before closing for summer vacation, therefore, my last date. Last night I had arranged a date with Dan (and had had a maybe from Paolo). As interesting as Day 3 was (Skyping James), I really wanted the company of an active other; a dialogue.
I moved apartments in the morning. I became Foxy Moron for the final date. I planned to perform.
I arrived and received a message from Dan saying that he was not comfortable being filmed and did not want to be part of it. I felt disappointed, then slightly relieved – I was going to have to create something I had not prepared for.
I enjoyed having a date with Foxy Moron; I sat opposite the iPhone (on video mode) and looked at the image of my alter ego – an experiential selfie – I felt simultaneously familiar and estranged to the moving image of my self.
Then; drama – Paolo appeared! With no prior warning! I had already ordered and was devouring a lobster when he arrived. I was so taken aback that I did not record the our initial meeting – I was in the moment.
The video describes the remainder of our episodic date.
Today I struggled to maintain a continuous stream of documentation. This, I think, was due to the nature of the date – fragmented and unpredictable.
I felt at home at Calembour and am truly grateful to the team for making me feel so welcome and for participating in my artistic output.
With thanks to Calembour, especially Raffaella, for their extended and intensive generosity and hospitality.
With thanks to Paolo for his time and energy.